'The Doom Slayer Wouldn't Bully A Science Nerd' - Coffee In Cars With Doom Eternal Devs Part 1

 right so today is a big day, I'm at QuakeCon 2018. I just got back from the keynote because of all the big news we've seen, doomed to like a gameplay reveal that's like [ __ ] is amazing and what I got was an interview with Marty and Hugo, the two guys at the top of the Doom pyramid, they're the guys that make this crazy game and I'm going to do one of my car interviews. I don't have a car here so I had to rent one and today is going Texas style

They're made in Texas, which I think is super, super badass, and maybe that's why it's the Lone Star State. I can't play that around, they'd be proud to have Slayer isn't something we could talk about, because you'll find out about it, okay, that's a spoiler run, let's say he'd get the lyrics, which goes straight to the Texans would fit, wait, I can't think of another state he's in no more than Texas, yeah, you know he's definitely not on the east coast, he's definitely not on the west coast, no, he's not from New York . I mean you could say maybe like Montana or Wyoming yeah yeah really Texas is pretty young where you belong

We have incredible people so basically we can just get more work done at a better quality and faster pace which means we can now put more awesome stuff into the game that the fans want, yeah, and so it's more like like i mean it we just wanted to get going. I mean you know the team is like everybody devours this stuff and we plow through it so it's not afraid of oh can we reproduce dude [ __ ] that it seems more like to me I can't wait to go in tomorrow because we're going to jam another awesome thing at Doom 2016, really, it's given us a certain level of confidence and we've been talking the whole time as a team about being able to do that kind of thing recognizing the alignment and collaboration that takes place over the course of doomsdaying and landing is something you know from both a creative and creative perspective, but also the trials you endure in the long hours and at work trenches everyone gets just trust each other and yeah and we really have almost the entire team working on this so you know it's great with a few exceptions because everyone just you makes you feel like you're coming n almost to the point where you feel like we can and can do anything and even big ideas you just like, but we have the best people in the world who work great together and we're going to make it, make it happen really fun

a vanilla motz, I'll take that little, that little shake or whatever you're talking about attacking the calves, and two salted caramel shakes, that's it. thank you, thank you My son going to college said he's going to miss water the most so tell me there's one scene in this trailer that really caught my eye and that was the scene where the slayer goes through the phobos in the basement goes, yes, and people look at it, tell me how this scene came about, tell me the story of the same. Very often you know that you go into a scene and in a video game and it's MPC performance time, in some NPCs that will come before the end it's all about him and he's this really cool character is cool dialogue, but it's not so much about you as watching him and talking to him in his performance so we wanted to draw attention to you, you're the star of the show so when I walk in a room nobody says anything th They're impressed with me and how we can get the player you know to evoke an emotional response in the player by essentially just walking down a hallway and nobody saying anything, yeah, and it's not about an MPC, who performs in front of me it's just that if anything it's just his reaction to me and how he just wants to avoid me and the coolest thing was that you could also tell a lean story like people didn't have to be constantly bark to tell an effective story to communicate who I am as a player you know tell you about the hero people are scared of him he is this legendary character say all those things and there are maybe six Words that get said a year, just the one guy who says oh my god it's him, but then we tell you all sorts of things during this sequence. I mean in the opening line you know the enemies approaching BFG 10k. She says they overran the lower levels like you can see there's a fight going on here, you pay

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