The Surge 2 Is A SOLID Step Up (Review) - Part 2

 Due to the fact that you have nothing else to do, you decide to rescue her, and the story is delivered through a mix of audio logs and NPC interactions at regular intervals. The problem is that none of this is very well written, the NPC dialogue is just so performance oriented that it doesn't really give the characters a chance to breathe and can make the villains seem more like caricatures of villains than actual villains. At last my true power shall be revealed to the whole world

Milestone events occur that give the game a page-turning quality and transform a world that is already constantly evolving due to the Metroidvania progression systems built into it to explore this world and uncover its mysteries, and given how weak the game's boss design is , I think it's good that developers are fixing this part of the equation. In this section I'm going to talk about the bosses in the game I'm going to spoil some of them but not all of them just like I'm not going to spoil the final boss or some of the more exciting ones but I'll spoil some of them and I know some people do these Playing games for the bosses and they don't want you were spoiled in a review. So if you're one of those people, just jump the screen at that time and you won't have spoiled anything for you, okay, and that's the spoiler alert, here we go to search. One had five bosses ranging from average to downright terrible. At the average end of the spectrum, the bosses were just generic robots with simple mechanics that were very easy to beat. On the horrid end of the spectrum were bosses that were just polished NPCs or just reps of previous bosses or bosses that had cameras so hilariously bad you couldn't even see Boss Telegraph's and suddenly got kayoed for reasons like more bosses than the Surge -Has a boss, but it also has a lot of the same boss-related issues from the first game, that's what you know from this boss. You've seen all the promos. I will say that there are about five bosses like these true flagship encounters. The rest are just NPCs turned into bosses, or reps of bosses you've already fought. The main bosses you will fight are ok Watching you play I fought this first boss and commented "Hey this is the first boss and he's pretty cool so we're going to get better from here." , sadly that was completely wrong, the first boss was by far the best engineered and mechanically rich encounter in the entire game, in general the boss design only relies on a few very basic move sets, which are limited by the nature of boss tracking become far more lethal, and animation tracking refers to the way animations can follow and track the player as they move

It is much more difficult for the player to dodge attacks as they have to wait until the last possible second to do so. Once you figure out that boss tracking is your number one enemy the encounter becomes very easy to overcome and it's just a matter of having the patience to wait for safe attack windows but man this camera holy [ __ ] look at this camera this camera in this game is worse than in the flood and it was pretty bad as there were two bosses that i also had trouble questing with and the only reason i found them challenging was because the camera was just crazy flew around while I found her. The problem was that the game has a bad camera and instead of designing around it, the developers instead leaned on designing a whole bunch of bosses that fly through the boss areas at lightning speed, forcing the camera into confused spasms or who are actively dropping your camera lock to make a move I guess if you take something like safe oh and you l look at how the camera is set in most fights. She is very good. Most of the time she sits back comfortably so you can see things that enemies doubt about the map that the camera can compensate for, there are exceptions for sure, but there are exceptions that aren't the norm in the Surge - almost every single fight has some sort of camera-related issue that you need to overcome, and considering how big the issue was in the last game, it's disappointing to see it's only worse here now, other than that there's plenty of reusable bosses and NPCs that convert into bosses by jacking up their health and adding another skill or two to most of these bosses I was able to do in one fell swoop so they serve as very forgettable punctuation marks for your adventure I will say though that each boss has an optional specific way of killing them, leading to unique rewards. This usually refers to cutting off certain body parts, but not always and completionists who want to collect every weapon and our piece will no doubt enjoy the process of engaging these bosses with these additional requirements placed on bosses

It's a very uneven affair, most of them are walkthroughs like the final boss in particular which I won't spoil here but my god it was just the worst like I just stood there and did it like I felt that they're running out of time and they didn't really design the final boss encounter, it was honestly at that level, apart from some of the bosses being pretty well designed but held back by camera issues, none of them stand out and this remains a critical weak point for the franchise and hopefully one we can see in Wave 3 if it ever materializes, which hopefully it will

The core of combat here remains as strong as ever in the quest - lighter, more agile, flashier and more animated than any other soul like The Surge on the market - has a distinct arcade feel compared to its contemporaries, but it feels just playing so well and this time even more so as enemy health and damage output has been radically rebalanced here as the surge in enemies all had lots of health and dealt so much damage that you would often just skip enemies instead fight them because it was just too annoying. I remember in Surge this mob was so disgustingly overpowered that every time I saw it I just ran past it, but in Surge - I was able to take on it and bring it down in a reasonable time frame Same goes for all enemies, if you were someone pushed off the wave by the same T imposed by enemy balancing you'll find this to be a far smoother and more enjoyable experience, last thing said It's just how much more sophisticated the implant system is. In the previous wave, implants were usually pretty solid and forget where you just pick the best three or four that worked for your physique and you would leave it at that – implants are a lot more specific and situational and you will often find that you reconfigure them based on your needs when you face off against a robotic enemy. There is an implant that gives them bonus damage when fighting an enemy that deals nanite damage. There is a mod to reduce farming components to upgrade your gear, there are a few implants that make that easier. Every new area you enter or every new enemy you face, your first thought very often is what implants should I use here and the fact that we have to keep reactivating this system shows how valuable it is so yeah fight in the quest - it's still great and better than before so you know well done tail thirteen ok now for the bad ne ws performance so I played up the opening section of it a PC and it ran beautifully, no problems whatsoever and an impressive suite of PC options available

This isn't just a lazy PC port, it's clearly got the right work put into it, so that's great news, having said that I didn't quite beat the game, so I can't be the last arbiter you need To verify this for myself, I played through the entire game on a PS4 Pro and I'm very sorry to report that the game is in a very shabby state at this point, with crippling framerate drops and a recurring Texture bug that just wouldn't happen Go to the framerate side of things, it was generally fine most of the time, but in certain areas like the wildlife sanctuary map I often got down to around 20fps with regular stuttering, similar issues occurred when there was a lot of particle effects kicking in on the texture side, there was a recurring bug where textures just weren't were loaded and things looked like this. This was again very noticeable during the nature reserve section where it felt like textures were going to be difficult to load under the weight of all the foliage being GPU processed I don't know if these issues would even be driven by a day one Patch to be improved as I reviewed a pre-release build of the game but I would be stunned if such a severe graphical slowdown could be magical despite one patch I think you need to be aware that if If you bought this game on a console you can absolutely expect poor graphics performance in certain sections of the game and with such a fantastic package this is very disappointing, in general I beat the game in 20 hours for quite a lot of website content and scouting to do, but there was more to do in the end. I'm guessing someone who does absolutely everything in their playthrough will get through it in about 25 hours. There are multiple endings that will be affected by the choices you make throughout your playthrough, and of course there's a new Game Plus mode that allows you to play the whole thing all over again with high-level enemies and a few surprises. There are no microtransactions of course there aren't any I mean it's a single player game why the [ __ ] would it need microtransactions I mean who would do microtransactions

in the single player game right guys no but seriously thanks 13th december for not being a dick. 13. I could barely see my own cock. I could imagine then discovering Schafer's New Zealand Dixieland, the best way to take care of your depth. I think you can get the Bad Boy for around $40-$50 depending on where you buy it and I have to say folks I really recommend it, you're getting a great game for your buck, performance issues and a crappy boss design aside to really cement the rise Souls like Pantheon not just for its presentation and setting, but for the focus it brings to world design and exploring the compelling narrative structure that further fuels the sense of adventure, and the brilliant combat made even more brilliant by meaningful new gameplay systems This is no longer sci-fi Dark Souls or dollar-store Dark Souls or whatever Dark Souls this is the Wave, it's a unique offering, from which I think will be very heavily g follow because it absolutely deserves one you know what else deserves a strong follow nord VPN now I don't know about you but almost every day Do I get emails telling me that someone is trying to log into my account or I get notifications on my mobile that someone has successfully accessed my account and I was only saved by my two-factor authentication. This happens because I wasn't careful enough with my online information, which makes me an easy target for account hacks. Nord VPN is the world's #1 VPN solution. It uses military-grade encryption to protect your data, has servers in 61+ countries, and offers 24/7 tech support. You can launch or install it from the client

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