The Last of Us Part 3_ Halo_ Infinite and Resident Evil Village _ This Week In Videogames - Part 3

 You will be deeply stranded in another survival game where you are stranded on desert island and you need to survive. This is a general premise at this point, but at least the Steam reviews for this one are nice if you're sitting at about 80 positive Battlefield 5, the other game for the month that conveniently arrives right before the next Battlefield reveal is the EA is hyping at the moment. This isn't a popular battleground for many reasons, but it's by no means bad, it's just unfinished as EA Dice abandoned the project before delivery Large parts of the promised roadmap are included in this pack with single player campaign missions anyway, and I recommend trying them out as they're finally pretty good for the PS5. You get a wreck fest, the destruction derby style racing game released in 2018 critical acclaim currently sitting at 90 positive on steam i'm not a big racer but i enjoy smashing them casually relaxed when there's a good excuse for it there, those without a ps5 re member you can still add this to your library via the psn store for later play if you ever manage to get your hands on a ps5 like i dont have a six or seven Years of Xbox Strikes Back games with gold might be the second biggest meme in video games by stadium right now, but Game Pass is no joke this month. The Xbox is adding some heavyweights to the lineup of the past including Just Cause 4 Reloaded Psychonauts Steep Soccer Gambling Simulator 21 Dragon Quest Builders Final Fantasy 10 and 10 2 and Leftovers from the Ashes this is a crazy month anyways that packs like 400 hours of gameplay or loot boxes is worth 400 if you play FIFA this is a reminder that Game Pass is the best deal when it comes to gaming right now and nothing is finally coming close. If you're interested in something free-to-play you should maybe look at scavengers that just went on sale early

Coming to Steam this week Feedback on this is very mixed at the moment, but people who like it really love it. It's a battle royale PVE hybrid thing. It looks interesting, but seems like it still has a long way to go. Free on steam for yourself, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our feel-good story for the week. This is a bang. Okay, we've been toasting stadia for weeks, months, and years. Entire Youtube channels were built to toast this product, entire teams of writers were huddled around writers' tables coming up with Stadia gags, but nothing an outside party could write could be half as funny as the tweet, which appeared on the official Stadia account this week

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