The Division 2 Beta Reveals A Promising (But Still Broken) Game - Part 2

 also changes the types of grenades you have access to and the way your healing ability works. Add to that a completely redesigned gear system that makes shuffling and matching gear set bonuses much easier, and that completely eliminates all useless stats that bloated gear in the previous game when you imagine the build variety available between your weapon choices , your mod choices, your gear choices, your abilities, your ability specs, your ability mods, and your class specialization, that's a pretty amazing level of flexibility. This point looks like an improvement, but of course we can't say for sure, until we reach the endgame, where we speak of endgame, so pvp in division 2 is very different from division 1, both structurally and mechanically, structurally you have a choice either in the dark zone or in match-made pvp matches this is already a big departure from what most of you expect from The Division 1 will remember because it's just added match-made PvP about a year after its launch, before the Dark Zone was all people knew, and it was debatable that the DZ was a place where everyone immediately clicked could shoot anyone else, where gangs of dozens of players would just roam and kill other players. The fun and abuse over voice chat was an inherently toxic environment, and that was the appeal for many players who loved them in being this uncompromising, uncompromising, raw, unfair PvP landscape, over time they took the edge off the Dark Zone and what we have in Division 2 is diluted even more. First off all the stats in the DZ are now normalized and in match made pvp this improves people's stats so the playing field is fair and nobody gets trampled on by someone just because they have better gear than you, though There will always be at least one Dark Zone area with Gear Perks enabled. Speaking of which, there are now three Dark Zone areas instead of just one, and each zone has a max of 12 players instead of 24

The survival of search groups is made easier. People who want to go rogue can't start shooting right away, they also have to toggle it manually with an animation that lasts a few seconds and warns nearby players so they can prepare for a fight, there are also new ways to go rogue like stealing items from corpses or hacking shd terminals and these give you a different rogue status with lower stakes and also there is no more voice chat in the DZ gone away like you As you can see, they've taken that to make the DZ stand out in a big way, it sounds like there would be a fairer and more competitive environment, but I'm wondering if the DZ is facing some kind of identity crisis without its rawer, hardcore elements, I wonder , if that's the case DZ will have the same appeal as it once did to those who enjoyed the thrills of it. I never liked it myself and I still don't like it here. I just don't enjoy killing Pete who doesn't want to be killed doesn't give a damn but a lot of other people do care so we'll see what they have to say about it after launch. PvP mechanics have also changed significantly, and this is where I was most impressed. Movement in game is now much slower time to kill is much faster. Removed a whole bunch of really broken skills and perks that you can rely on to make you virtually invulnerable if timed correctly. This makes PvP feel slower, more deliberate, and more tactical For the first time ever, cover is required in Division PvP where everyone used to just run around with exploding animation bugs and instant heals. However, I have to say that despite all the changes to the DZ and with a slower, more tactical PvP, I still have no interest in Division PvP. I just don't like how it feels like I just can't get past third-person -Perspective out I'm really glad it exists for other players, but it hasn't made me the only PvP I've ever enjoyed The Division introduced the Survival Battle Royale game mode, and until that returns, it is highly unlikely that I'll do PvP in The Division

Okay, so technically this betta was a complete mess for me and a mess for many, many other people. The most common issues have been delta errors where I keep getting disconnected every hour or so with no explanation. They did server maintenance during the beta and it fixed the issue for some people but not for others. I've also had this hilarious situation where stuff like this just didn't register at all from my completely separate area of ​​the Dark Zone, that happens Network stability has always been an issue throughout the life of the Division, so it really is in terms of optimization bad when I see this stuff rearing its head already. I have an RT X 2080 TI and I was running couldn't get past 50 frames per second until I finally found that disabling the Reduced Input Latency option enabled actually doubled my frame rate, which I was generally able to maintain and around 100 Frames but it dropped sharply in high activity encounters, there was also an FPS degradation issue that forced me to restart my game on many occasions. This is how it looks before I did one of those reboots beyond graphics, there are a lot of broken [ __ ] in this game Animations on bars are very problematic and I've had many instances of this myself and I've seen it elsewhere. I found quite a few NPCs in T poses there was really really bad audio glitches I suffered from constantly it sounded something like this as you can hear really terrible abilities are also really really clunky to use. Many of them have activatable functions that are very difficult to reach due to the way your camera is positioned, such as the turret is meant to be placed on the cover next to you if you play it fast, but most of the time it just lays like on the ground next to you at your feet making it utterly useless so you have to m yearly

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