E3 2018 - The Review - Part 3

 I really wish their games didn't start out so obviously broken, but it's good to see that they at least try to fix what's broken when it fails. Speaking of Division, which is also getting a sequel. I've written a lot about this and Lehman Gaming already so I won't talk about it, I'll leave a link in the description below if you're interested in more division news, but suffice it to say it looks pretty cool and I look pretty good I'm looking forward to playing him next year. The new Beyond Good and Evil trailer was one of the best CG world building trailers I've ever seen in my life. It was like up there with Blizzard quality stuff. It was absolutely amazing This game is still a long way off but small snippets of the gameplay looks cool and it seems like they are being really brave with building something big and awesome and I really wish them the best of luck with that High fives and one ups, although the new skull I don't know man I don't know man that doesn't ring a bell to me at all it just sort of looks like Assassin's Creed 4 but without about 70 of the game it's just the whole thing Naval combat in which you can't even fight other ships unless you board them, which was one of the best parts of the thing. I don't see enough what differentiates this game from AC4, so I'm very, very skeptical about this game. I finished it. It's been 40 hours that I've found it extremely painful For some unknown reason, there's now a stamina bar on the ship, meaning there's nowhere satisfying

you won't like this, if you liked the origins you'll probably love this too, so what about nintendo? seems completely out of touch with anyone buying video games during e3. We found out about the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Season Pass theme being shut down, if you don't already know about it you probably should, even if you're not a fan of Cod the way it works is that it's a Season Pass There is one that you can only buy as part of the Collector's Edition of the game, you can no longer buy it individually, at least not now that they say that they will release the Season Pass It's our luck that we'll be able to release the Season Pass later themselves and what they do, and you can no longer just buy specific parts of the DLC, you have to buy the entire Season Pass, so if you're just interested

and loot boxes, which are essentially games of chance. You can't choose the things you want to buy. You have to play around them through their stupid stock drops, and they're stupid Eververse, so Activision is at this point the 100 most removed publisher if for consumers, EA is literally better than what Activision currently is, and just because they like Sakura shadows die they die twice from the sauce which looks amazing btw doesn't give them carte blanche to get away with this shit shit and everyone should be talking about it we can't let this be the new norm because if activision gets away with it, everyone gets away with it and it sucks anyway and it puts me in a bad mood I shouldn't talk about it anymore you know what makes me happy can't deny it it's all true but everyone wants to live here this town always has a promise for you a lie may be an illusion but it's just around the corner and it keeps y you go so that's how it went Two cd projekt red developers sin d actually my patrons and they contacted me and they are like dude do you want to come along and watch cyberpunk 2077 and i think thats polish for [ __ ] yes btw you are welcome so i go in there its in this theatre, it's an hour of gameplay, it's played by the developer himself, it's not like you know pre-taped it or whatever, you can see him actually play it and like it was just the most incredible hour of play Gameplay demonstration I've seen in a long, long time The head just exploded as my brain tried to make sense of what's going on here. How's that a thing? Cyberpunk 2077. The trailer I saw was the first time I experienced it as a grown adult it was so impressive and I will do another coverage of i will not talk about what I saw and how in the future it's and everything else, but you've probably seen it all anyway, all the journalists talking about all the gushing

that's going on it's all true it just looks like an absolutely phenomenal genre defining title can't wait and it was without question my highlight of the show overall e3 2018 was interesting to me because it was the start of the transition to the next gen you know you've seen some titles that aren't going to be coming out this gen like Star Field and Elder Scrolls 6. There's no way we're going to get them this gen, you've seen Cyberpunk 2077, that's probably will come out in this gen, because she will have said so, but there will no doubt be a next-gen version as well. You've had stuff like EA's CEO talking about how they're going to invest more and more into streaming tech, and I've had behind-the-scenes conversations with developers that you know are suggesting that this is probably the last generation of consoles will be which is in the next, right after that it will be streamed in full, you know there will be little pockets of it here and there but it's going to be platforms where you can see it on your android phone, you can play on your tablets and on your PCs and you just hook into the you know EA origins whatever it is doing all the computing in the cloud and no matter what [ __ ] your computer is you can still playing it, i know it sounds like a distant dream but they are working really hard to make it happen sooner rather than later and we've seen evidence that we're hitting the last kind of like this at this e3 w hat this generation can do and we think about the future and you see publishers talking in those terms and it's always exciting, it always raises new question marks about what's possible in the future. I don't know, I just think it's kind of It's fascinating to watch that you know things are starting to happen and you have this feeling here this time, but either way

It's going to be a big year for games, it's like some cool stuff is coming and we're really excited about it. I'm not a huge fan of the whole thing, we're going to be announcing a game coming out in about six years, so that's a trend that seems to be sitting right now, but look, whatever it's going to be, there's still going to be a lot of stuff we want to see in the can play in the meantime so i'm not complaining that was my e3 2018. i will hopefully go back next year i will answer any questions you may have in the comments below post them there below and if you support me like and subscribe to the video. Also i have a patreon and if you want to support this this is the best way, it helps me do what i do, i really appreciate it, thanks so much for watching guys and me will see you next time

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