Division 2 Devs discuss Raid info_ PVP vs PVE Balance_ Gear Set Design & Survival Returning Part 1

 Ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome, his skills up here. I'm pleased to sit with two of the heads of the department - I have creative director Julie and Garrity and I have what your current titles are called game director, game director Matthias Carlson Julian, who I've had the opportunity to sit with in the past, and the taste we just met for the first time on the show so thanks for the chance i really appreciate it um i think the first thing i really wanted to start with is that you know you thinking in retrospect and how it affected the future. What's the type of number one learning point, besides the two or three learning points you took from the first division, that you were keen to address with the sequel? It's difficult Firstly because there's a lot of things we're learning, I mean we've been through a lot of growing pains, there was a lot of great stuff at launch, but we've kept investing and spending time listening to the community and ourselves improved When I think about the one or two things, the biggest one for me was that a paid DLC model has divided the community in a way that I don't think is good for us in the short term, medium term or long term. That is a big realization that I don't think we'll ever get right again, so that's interesting because we know there's also a premium pass that's available, which I can conclude isn't the case his will be something that will divide the community within this premium pass at all. I'm not 100% sure what this Premium Pass is, but philosophically sure, no, there should never be anything to divide the community there as the sequel to games in this as-a-service model is evolving. A lot of people just keep their games going forever. Why did this have to be a new game? Frame well there again I think we wa I wanted to go back and fix a few things systemically like here behind the hood under the hood in the game so we can really develop it further

In a better way, so it wasn't a light-hearted decision, we thought about that a lot, but when you play the game today and see the kind of reactivity of the fight, I don't see the speed of the fight, I think we would have that with the same can make game. I think there was a moment when we had to make a hard decision, okay, we have to make a new game, we're going to go into it, we're going to add new stories, new locations, new things to discover and a lot of tweaks under the Hood. I think when we talk about leaning in, we're not really leaning in that you start the great adventure, from a warning toy to coming to DC and getting the power journey, you know you're not just about power, but of course also growing in breadth and flexibility to show how you build your character and how you play features changes systems what do you have that really make this game a sequel versus a DLC right we've tweaked so many things and tweaks that we like, we've been really looking at the RPG systems, but I think one thing that's really exciting for us is how we're approaching the open world of the open living world this time and how we're looking at how we create not just activities but things that are dynamic and surprising and that create a backdrop for a movement but ultimately things for you to do as an S game that you can predict 100% that also generates high replay value and has enough surprises. So this time these are the enemy factions and the civilians who are going to do things with the intention of fulfilling resources goals separately so I think that's absolutely one of them, kinda weird because you the number of games Juby -Know games of other games that are a living world and you know pretty well the resulting gameplay from a living world. Every game does that for us, it's a huge investment and I really think it's an incredible impact on the species and way the games play you will approach a certain point on a map that is held by a certain faction and they will start fighting and you could come along and do that, that's what you're talking about

a tangible example example I mean what we showed that to e3 was a control point based in a crashed Air Force one go mmm that's just one of the control points around the map and securing that will help the civilians and the settlements with resources but you can lose that control point and it becomes a sort of meta game around the the open-world and not the main missions not the side missions not the encounters or all of those things so it adds this this layer which is going to make a big difference to how the game is played I think one of the other big changes that's coming to the game are obviously classes you know that didn't exist before now it's a thing tell me what was some of the inspiration for that how is that going to feel to play that and the three that we saw are they're the only three that we're gonna get at launch or could we expect others so first of all we don't we don't really think of them as classes in that way I'd like it's it's really important for us that everyone you know gets to make a new some ways me to exclusive choice at the stroll away and going into the specializations but but they're really about adding on top of the toolbox you've been you've been there you know building up throughout the the leveling game in the campaign and then you're free to to max them all out take that progression journey starting with the signature weapon in each one of them and then have full freedom of flexibility switch between them you can switch between those specializations on so you don't need to create a new character no no okay great I think people had questions so what you see in the demo is is what you can imagine is a completely fresh specialization where fresh in the sense that the players have just hit level 30 and that they've depicted the signature weapon this is pretty than no progression track that the follows and what we've also talked about is that you get unique versions of the skill swing but within that within those specialization choices there's even more depth and more progression to specialize further yes and choose your build within that specialization absolutely that's pretty cool it's pretty exciting will we keep our existing characters or will we make new characters in DC it's a brand new character and new characters brand new characters see that was part of the hard decision as well but again the whole progression game the whole campaign it's a power journey it's something to be experienced so

It's something we think is a good thing too. It will be fun now. We will reward players who have invested heavily. I don't remember, ok, I don't even know if they're all blurring out the days at e3, is it the 13th or 14th, ok, ok, today, so it starts today, so in the division that's the first game won, lots of shields, 12 shields for ours, for today, a few more later and these basically reward you for certain activities and games or fixing games maybe some casual players maybe some you know just completers and then some super super hardcores yes and these will reward you in the first game and in the SEC right so it's just a token of appreciation it's a start it's a token that you're a veteran at this game are, nice, nice, so getting back to the RPG question very briefly, casual or streamlined or Would you say the game strives to be deeper and more complex, like a more powerful RPG, where do you think it's on that spectrum lands? I wouldn't say more casual in that sense. I think we're very dedicated and focused on having depth, breadth and variability within the Gear game and all the things that go into our purchases and the weapons, the gear, the abilities, their mods and now also the specializations so we're adding things that can act as leverage as well as we do but we want to make it more accessible so it's how you approach it and build complexity in layers and also parts of how it works with Linking things that are more intuitive to the human brain and things that we can relate to the real real world and that's part of what's behind it or armor changes and and things like that, that's actually a good transition because the Brands are cut that come as if that's the correct term where you know weapons nd armor now have maker brands and with them come specific traits but I me ine, i'm a bit confused about how this system works. I know many other people do to explain how this system actually worked in the olden days

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