Starfield_ Battlefield 6 and Final Fantasy XIV_ Endwalker _ This Week In Videogames Part 1

 This video is brought to you by Skillshare Friends, Gamers, Compatriots. Lend me your ears and allow me to fill them with gaming news Right ladies and gentlemen, enough flirting as we say here in Australia, we didn't come here to [ __ ] spiders say so us by the way lets get this show on the road the biggest world in history making the rounds this week is the fact that starfield will be exclusive to xbox and pc the news comes courtesy of jeff grubb who wrote this week tweeted: "starfield is exclusive to xbox and pc" before that bethesda ips would be exclusive and the fact that microsoft paid seven billion dollars for bethesda and they didn't do it for fun they did it so they could have a library of exclusive products to compete with Sony's overwhelming dominance of the console market, so yes, Starfield is still an Xbox and PC exclusive, just as we always knew it was exclusive ive consoles trades. Sony goes on the offensive after a press cycle that casts doubt on their appetite for risky ventures Bloomberg's jason scream hinted that sony might be taking it a little too safe, hitting back pitchers on new ip and deciding to launch this week double surefire blockbusters from naughty dog ​​and sony santa monica. playstation studios hermann hulse said wyatt that sony has more than 25 ps5 games in development and half of them are new ip, that's a lot. It's hard to argue that Sony isn't interested in new things when literally half of their portfolio is made up of new things. The language of the franchise Blizzard has increasingly turned to the nostalgia bait, to fill in the gaps with things like the classic Warcraft for Forge and the upcoming Diablo 2 Res The goal is to keep people making ends meet until Blizzard's next generation of releases arrives. Unfortunately, people aren't staying the way Blizzard hoped. The latest financial figures show that Blizzard has lost almost 30 percent of its active player base in the last three years, which is huge in this business. It's a very big problem given that in the age of free-to-play, customers have a lot of choice and when When your customers leave your ecosystem, it's difficult to get them back. It doesn't help that Overwatch is essentially in cryosleep while everyone

awaiting the release of the sequel and Blizzard's future expansion plans are essentially mobile games with veteran talent leaving Blizzard in droves. It feels like Blizzard needs a big win, and it needs it soon, to release their new world MMO-RPG, and I have the distinct impression that it's the social media manager's first rodeo this week could be was announced that the game is going to have an in-game cash shot because of course that's the way it is and everyone was how good are they going to sell in this shop and New World make this big statement saying that at launch all their store items will be cosmetic in nature, but in the future they will add quality of life items like rested experience and fast travel. Imagine playing a [ __ ] mmorpg that charges you for fast travel. Jesus Christ. People rightly toasted this post on Twitter which resulted in the official account responding to a tweet with this absolute cracker get this quote its not about rushing people to the final its about supporting people who don't have that much time to play, and helping them reach the endgame with the time they have so followed with an encore quote mmos take a huge investment of time not everyone has bruce can be an option for someone who doesn't have the time to get more out of the time they can play and support the game and community in another i feel really bad for this person for being so completely overwhelmed here and throwing out ridiculous answers, that was debunked and ridiculed years ago when publishers started trotting out this garbage when they heard it in 2021 is kind of sad

But it's also informative for setting the stage for how Amazon plans to approach in-game monetization. Amazon has had three colossal failures up to this point, the Grand Tour Crucible and the now-defunct Lord of the Rings MMO. They need a critical favorite to build their reputation With core gamers and selling fast travel in an MMO I don't even know what to say, I can't go on anyway while we get on the microtransactions topic. Let's talk about Ubisoft and they talked about their strategy for the future their CFO Frederick Duggay says that ubisoft cites building high-end free-to-play games that tend towards aaa long-term ambitions. what does it mean in english it means ubisoft are free-to-play is going to be big making it a central pillar of their future business. The quote was taken out of context in some circles, suggesting that Ubisoft would abandon paid AAA releases, but that's not true that they will still do so, it's just that we're getting more regular and voluminous will see free-to-play offers. An example is the Heartland Division which suffered a rather devastating leak this week when at least one person violated the terms of their NDA and shared 20 minute gameplay which I can't show here or my channel will be deleted but the footage shows a PVE VP Battle Royale style game mode that is very similar in structure and content to what we saw in Survival mode in The Division and one that I think was the very best part of The Division. Given that this footage is out now, and given that Ubisoft's e3 press conference is about a month away, I'm assuming we'll be hearing more about the game than just one thing I won't be much hearing about Skull and Bones because the [ __ ] has now been pushed back to either 2022 or 2023 or 2030 with its re-release, or if someone freaks out when the zombie apocalypse hits, they will one day write a book about the development process of this game d I'm going to pre-order the [ __ ] the book, I don't mean the game, I mean there's no way to pre-order a game that's been delayed eight times

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