The Division 2 Beta Reveals A Promising (But Still Broken) Game - Part 1

 This video is sponsored by dis plate. Metal posters are made on this plate, which will hang on your wall with the power of magnetism, so you can easily move them or hang new ones whenever you want. They have a huge variety of game assets, including assets for games like Destiny and the Division, so click the link in the description below to find out more and continue with the video. So here we go, my first PvP match in The Division - this is gonna be exciting ok we're back it's all good no problem focus here we go steady throw it out there yeah here we go [ __ ] The division has had an incredible journey in its three year existence, starting it off in a spectacularly bad way, full of bugs, exploits, hacking, and a really broken gearing system that was just awful, there was almost no gear, the very had few opportunities to get this gear and most of it was broken and overpowered and the pvp like wow doesn't even get me how bad pvp was changed after the division release almost every part of itself culminated in the 1.8 patch , which the internet seemed to be universally proclaiming that Division is a good game now and it's okay to like it, but despite that, the game never got released at any point during the entire re ise ever fixed At no point were all the bugs crushed and you could play The Division reliably, knowing that you wouldn't encounter graphic glitches, that you wouldn't encounter network problems, that your skills would always work, that your animations wouldn't fail would or that you would I didn't meet any hackers in the DZ it got better but it was never fixed and as I approached the Division Twos Beta I really had two questions number one does the game look like one Improving on the first one with enough new ideas and content to make it a compelling buy and secondly the game is fix on the first point I have to say I'm actually extremely impressed with how much has changed or is new to the division - and all these changes or additions work like the r light

a number of features and made massive steps backwards for the The Division franchise - not really removing anything, and in terms of franchise advancement I'd go as far as to say that there isn't a single weapon skill talent or mechanic that has been compared to that didn't change previous game I'm really not exaggerating I was actually quite surprised to see how much this game has evolved. The first thing you'll notice is the setting and the visual palette, where the Division 1 was set in New York in the winter, we're in Washington DC in the summer now, everything is brighter, it's clearer and the details jump out at you really obvious. The Division 1 was already a great game but here it is as if they have removed the petroleum jelly from the lens, they have turned on all the lights and increased the contrast, you will absolutely find that in certain places you just pausing to take it all in, as moments of sunlit decay prove captivating, simply dashing past the map you explore doesn't feel noticeably larger than the first game, but it's definitely denser as each segment has more enemy NPCs, more public events taking place, public executions taking place that you have to stop, or conflict zones that you have to conquer or defend, there are friendly NPCs that you can ask for help, it's busy, and like the first game I enjoy it a lot, simply walking the streets to see what's going on on a specific street corner in relation to your overall goal while playing is t probably sums it up best as you kickstart the base of operations and venture into the open world to find and help out settlements. Each of these settlements has specific NPCs and you need to help them by completing quests. After that you have to agree to go back to the base of operations and help out with stuff, the settlements thing is a nice touch. Each of them is a mini-colony, and you help build it by completing missions for them and donating supplies. It's actually a system based on a number of different game systems like collecting resources in the open world or participating in public events or completing side missions and it's a satisfying feeling when you finally put a roof over the place or a play corner for which can open as for the missions yes, these solid main missions

are similar to those we've seen before, but improvements to the Corps battle loop make them more entertaining, but we'll come back to that later, the side missions in The Division 1 are much better. The side missions were basically just rubbish, just repetitive, uninteresting. Filler side missions here are lengthy and challenging. They feel more like a lot of main missions than open-world public events like they felt in the first game. Quite disappointingly, it seems like the story and this game will go on. A giant backseat, it's there, but it's the environmental storytelling that comes through the various audio logs you'll find throughout the city. The cutscenes are just awful, they're like intro cutscenes in a fighting game, in fact most fighting games these days have much better cutscenes like that until 0 you're dead. I'm not the sub zero you're talking about. he was my brother The destiny of being abandoned. Had a great story. Warframe has an incredible story o tell early on but they are clearly taking a good swing something they are trying to do for the division doesn't seem to even want to try to build anything compelling and I think that's a disappointment although the Developers have said there's about a 40-hour campaign to go through throughout the game, but they usually inflate things like that, so let's call it around 30 hours between exploring the open world and the main missions and side-missions of the events and any other surprise content that we might get along the way See how I have a very very comfortable 30 hours if that's what they built and that's before we start talking about the many many improvements to Speaking of combat gear and enemy design if you want to ask someone who has tried premier league and didn't like the reason they u Among their many lists of disliked complaints will almost certainly be the word bullet sponge, as I said before bullets hit enemies are part of every loser, but they feel particularly stupid I'm in the division because those sponges aren't huge armored aliens or tanks, is there any punk wearing a hoodie that feels stupid for having to put so many bullets in it

Enemies that look like this, if this is a deal-breaker for you, you still won't enjoy the Second Division enemies this time around, which are generally less spongy as the game actually uses fewer enemies with the purple and yellow health bars and if those enemies are purple or yellow it's because they're wearing a specific body armor and if you can destroy their body armor you'll suddenly be doing a lot more damage to that target which is a nice touch that breaks some of that cognitive dissonance down, but yes, there are still bullet sponges, it's part of the genre Weapons have been completely revamped. I've tried pretty much every weapon now and they all feel so awesome and useful and this is a massive departure from the first game where at least half the weapons were absolute junk now every weapon you pick up has, a clear role, she sounds fantastic, she's wonderful to handle, and her stats are balanced enough to be useful, we'll surely end up with an agreed set of best-in-slot weapons by the end of the game, but it is nice to know that this will be because these guns are good and not because every other gun is just junk In a fundamentally different rhythm of combat from the first game, Division 1 was very much about using automatic weapons, so so to throw as many balls as possible into a target. The Division 2 feels a lot more snappy, a lot more pop and stoppage A more fully realized version of the tactical combat promise implied in the Tom Clancy name, the game also introduces a class specialization for the endgame in The Division 1. Your build was entirely determined by the gear you are wearing now. That's still the case, only you can also choose one of three specialization weapons in the game a 50 caliber sniper an explosive crossbow or a grenade launcher these weapons are something of your super ability in a game like Destiny O ants them and they cause one very quickly large amount of damage and benefit, but beyond each of these specializations

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